Sunday, 25 April 2010

Working in London . . . well if you call that working!

So fully moved in, and I've become acclimatized, well sort of . . . I’ve found the essential things in my area: the supermarket, and the field, park and court to play ‘pick up games’ of football. I also started working on the hospitality side of things at Shakespeare’s the Globe theatre. I guess years of doing hospo work during my studies have actually amounted to something? Well it got me here didn’t it! It pushed me to go half-way across the world, and I’m super glad that I did! Alright, nothing out of the ordinary has happened yet, (if it did it probably wouldn’t be posted on this blog anyway), but the entire experience in itself has been awesome. I simple walk down the road to the supermarket is buzzy, now drugs needed here – life is the drug! Just the fact everything is so foreign, but then so similar in other ways (I’m in an English speaking country with much history linked to New Zealand.) Still I’m left bewildered and amazed!

And working at the Globe theatre has been a nicely cushioned beginning to London life. Except the first night it has been a very easy work. The first night I was in the bar, a ‘destination bar’ on the river Thames, working with very cool barmen and waitresses. Many of the barmen are artists of some sort, with that same old’ cliché of slaving in hospitality to pay the bills, as they try to attempt to make it in their chosen pursuit. Nonetheless, a real interesting lot of intelligent guys. Jack the actor. Anthony or Josh (I get mixed up) the designer. Jasmine the fashion designer. Very cool cats indeed!

However, technically I wasn’t hired to work in the bar, since that night I've been working in the piazza, selling snacks and coffees – it’s piss-easy work! I’m not complaining, yes the pay is shit, all I eat are sandwiches on shift, and the job isn’t very challenging – but I see it as the first stepping stone for my trip. Stepping stone for what . . . Well for one, I just got accepted into a program to teach English in Nice, France. Even though my French is rusty. or shall I say non-existent. Who cares - I get to live in the South of France for 7 months – not a bad life!

For now anyway, working at the Globe is not so bad. It actually feels kind of special. I mean William Shakespeare performed his most famous plays in the vicinity where the re-built arena now sits. Across the river Thames is St Paul’s Cathedral, the most prestigious and famous cathedral in England. I mean renaissance art-work plasters the ceiling; you know it must be an important site. And with the perfect spring weather we’ve been having, the view of the Thames, London Bridge, and all its surrounding structures in the moonlight, makes it seem like some vital history has made its way to such an area.

So I dont have a job that will take me places in a career, that is not the point, I'm here on an O.E. - a career, if any, can come later!

P.S. Photos to come! And the next blog, will be about socializing in London, if I start meeting people and socializing that is – ha ha!

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